Your massage school is temporarily closed. What now?
By: Shelly Diez, LMT CFSMT Instructor
To a screeching halt. That’s how my massage school closed. We arrived on Monday at 9am, ready to teach. Sadly, the owner updated the faculty & staff on the newest CoVid-19 statistics and made the most difficult yet ethical decision – he temporarily closed the massage school.
Ideally, in two weeks, we can return. But let’s be honest, we don’t really know when.
So, what can a massage student do in the meantime? Well, you study. Ha! As a former student, I can relate to the common response, “Uhm, excuse me but I need some guidance. I can’t do this by myself!” Well, in social distancing, you have to. You must.
And, I am here to tell you how.
Make anatomy notecards.
In your own handwriting, make notecards of your most challenging topics. On the front of the card, jot down a term or concept, and on the back, place the meaning or description. Don’t worry about the stuff you know. Not one bit. You need to review the terms & topics that never seem to stick. Use those cards to quiz yourself during this social distancing. Review the organs of the digestive system before binging that show; quiz yourself on the cranial nerves whilst walking the dog; assess your understanding of the eye’s structure and function until the pizza delivery arrives. Notecards never need recharging and they can fit in your pocket.
Repetition to master muscle OIA.
Write a muscle’s origin, insertion, and action. Over, and over… and over. Five times, to be exact. Repetition and the number five is what your brain craves when memorizing heaps of unfamiliar information. The first and second iteration is simply practice. By the fourth repetition, you will feel your memory kicking in. So by the fifth time, not only is your hand cramping, those neurons in your brain have been firing long enough to create a solid connection to that impossible-to-memorize fact. What do you do when you don’t have it memorized by the fifth time? You guessed it, do it five times each again. And maybe use a notecard to make absolutely sure you know that muscle.
Summarize one pathology per day.
Create a shorthand version of the vast information involved in one pathology. Think of it as a large notecard. In your own words, summarize all that data to include demographics, pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, treatments, medications and other cautions for massage. And then, explain that pathology to a willing audience. Make a Pictionary game out of the skin pathologies to bring everyone up to date on the differences between ringworm and dermatitis.
Practice massage.
On yourself, significant other, your children, and pets. That’s it. Everyone else must wait for their free student massage until after this crippling pandemic passes. And if you don’t have any of those options, make some pizza dough and proceed to knead, compress, lift & spread. This will keep those fingers and wrist joints in shape. And while you’re at it, describe the history of the massage to your cockatiel. While massaging her little birdy feet, I’m sure she would appreciate knowing who the father of Swedish massage is.
Until our lives can return to the new normal.
Until we can return to our center of learning.
Read, write, quiz, and repeat. Stick to the topics that give you the most trouble. Keep it simple by practicing just one topic at a time. Talk to anyone and anything about what you find so darn interesting in massage school.
Do they know how many muscles and bones make up the human body?
Would they like to?